Love, Victor
Love, Victor is a Hulu original spinoff series from the film Love, Simon. The series takes place in the same universe as Love, Simon, where Simon is long gone from Creek Wood high school and is now in college, but Victor reaches out to him for advice when he too questions his sexuality and struggles with coming out and dating. Love, Simon is based on the book Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda which I read before watching the film and the series, and really enjoyed. The film kept close to the book so it's interesting to see a series that stays in the same world they have created.
The series has two seasons and has not been renewed by Hulu as of right now, but the second season just dropped on June 11th of this year so I’ll give them a break. This show is smart. Using already existing and popular IP for a film and novel that already has a growing fan base is really smart. There are very few shows out there with leading LGBTQ characters, let alone being all about these topics surrounding being LGBTQ. They deal with coming out, friends, relationships, school and sports teams, and growing up in different households with different cultures, religions, and prejudices.
I think what makes this show so likeable is the characters. They are very enjoyable and fun to watch. While also being deep and relatable, they all have their own struggles and different motivations in life. My favourite characters are Pillar and Felix because they act as comedic relief in the show. They also act as the main support system for Victor. The acting in the show isn't amazing but this is a cast of fresh faces so I wasn't expecting them to be seasoned actors. In a way it adds to their awkwardness and charm, being young and in high school. I like that they cast actual teenagers to play teenagers.
The first season is a little cheesy and I didn’t think I was going to bother watching season 2. Then I got bored and decided I was going to watch it and I’m glad I did. Season 2 is so much better than season 1 and there is always so much going on. I watched all 10 episodes in one day back to back. It was addicting. It’s such a fun show with a lot of surprises. I was not expecting much for season 2 so it definitely blew me away.
I highly recommend this show to everyone. It’s such a fun show to watch and honestly educational. I think I learned a lot from this show as well as just enjoyed it. By watching this show you are supporting a community and the future of LGBTQ leading productions. You can still watch this show without watching the movie or reading the book but I would recommend at least watching Love, Simon. The book is one of my all-time favourites and is really well written so I think you should read the book as well, but it's not necessary to enjoy the movie or the series. The book and the film just provide more background on the community and school life.
They refer to stuff from the movies a lot in the first season and why he is messaging with Simon but they explain it in the series so that you aren’t lost if you haven’t watched the film. However, in the second season, Simon is barely brought up; he just has a brief cameo and Simon’s dad now runs the parents of LGBTQ kids support group. Which honestly is super sweet if you have watched the movie knowing how far he has come. I wish there was more of Simon because I did love his character so much. But I understand this is not his story, it's Victor's story. What I found cool was that Nick Robinson who plays Simon was a producer on the series. I like him having a role in the series given he was such a crucial part in bringing to life the world of Love, Simon.
So to wrap up, I love this series and I hope it gets a third season (especially because it ended on a cliffhanger). I think everyone should watch it and I also highly recommend the film and the book that the world of Love, Victor came from as well. I really like this continuation of the story from the film and it's really cool to see how far this story has come to life from the book.
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